Currently, Sister Khiem is fairly old, her vision is not as good as when she was young, but her memory is still amazingly good. This morning, she was in Tan Mai Orphanage where she used to spend her childhood in, waiting for her children to come back from a very far country, more than half of the earth distance, after some 40 years ago living far away from the native land .
Mrs. Line Buer said while walking: “A lot of changes have taken place in landscape, greenery, houses, buildings…, all sweet and intimate images of the past are still vividly in my memory”. That was not her first visit to the orphanage, but this time, not like others she did not come back alone, but with former brotherly friends also living in the orphanage. The house was still there, despite many changes had taken place, it was still easy to read the title “Tan Mai – Bui Chu Orphanage”. The rooms still remained unchanged, so did the corridors, but now the orphanage has a new function of a kindergarten.
Sister Mung, a manager general of the kindergarten said, formerly this building was Tan Mai Orphanage belonging to Tan Mai Parish, and was used as the shelters of many orphans without family taking care, some of them were adopted by the Norwegian families in the period of 1968 – 1972. Although there were many changes in wartime, the sentiments of Sisters to the children still remained warm.
Luckily, we had a chance to meet an old Sister Maria Nguyen Thi Khiem aged 91 but was in good health. She still recognized many former orphan children living here. They came back to the homeland after more than 40 years. Sister Khiem called them only with former Vietnamese names as she remembered, like (Tran Van) Tien, (Le Thi Thanh) Hien, not with Norwegian names, like Terje Heide or Line Maria Buer. The reunion between far-away children and the kind godmother came up with unspeakable joyfulness. Though being quite old and the memory was not so clear, the images of a former child who was taken care by herself was unforgettable. Some cried, Sister Khiem also cried with tears of happy reunion after 40 years of separation, the former children coming back now, having wealth and happiness with their family and with their children.
“I often pray to God for my children, for their health, success and happiness. I know some of my children living at Bien Hoa City, also sometimes come here to see me, and others of my children living overseas, every one or two years they could come back here. I have really been longing for Lunar New Year Day (Tet) because only at this time, many children can come back to the orphanage and I can see them. I am always hoping that God Bless me and give me a healthy life, in order to pray for them” – Sister Khiem said.
She said a lot about the former times, when she and some of the Fathers had just started building the orphanage. “It was about 1950s, when this land was swamp and wasted, the Fathers and the Sisters had to both reclaim and buy construction materials to build up the Chapel and this orphanage”. And she said about the hard time, when Sisters had to go to Saigon or Bien Hoa to search food for the children. “That was the hardest time, but we were happy to care for the children, happy to see the orphanage becoming to real families with their children”.
“Now, I’m really happy to see them coming back, along with their whole family, their sons and daughters. They are wealthy, happy, and healthy. Most of what I have been praying for have come true. I’m so happy about them”.
Knowing that many things, say landscape, roads, and the buildings, will fade away as time goes by, the sentiments of far-away people coming back to the homeland still remain. Those olden orphanages like Tan Mai may pass away, and others like Sister Khiem, Sister Mung, but their sons, daughters and children will forever be the bridges connecting two countries Vietnam and Norway. The way back homeland is always open to her child.
The March of 2012 marked the return of Caravan trip (financed and organized by Thai’s Amata Foundation) to Vietnam, with a numerous unforgettable memories of beautiful landscape, scenes and people of Vietnam. With the full assistance and cooperation by Foreign Press Center, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TV programs about caravan trip has been filmed and The Panorama Worldwide Studio broadcast on the Thai’s TV Channel 3 and 5.
Vikrom Kromadit working at Dinh Vu port – Hai Phong
In the Caravan Trip 2012 initiated by Thai millionaire Vikrom Kromadit, is expected to travel through 6 countries of Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Myanmar, with approximately 40,000 km in 6 months. The trip in Vietnam was started from Ha Tien – Kien Giang, travelled over 20 cities and provinces for 4000 km and closed at the border gate, passed to China at Mong Cai. On all his way in Vietnam, Vikrom expressed his goodwill of promoting the image of Vietnam with beautiful scenery and friendly, warmly to the world.
Press conference at Ho Chi Minh city
Vikrom Kromadit and the Caravan deledation were warmly welcomed in Hue Festival delegation. Through Panorama Worldwide, the Opening Ceremony of Hue Festival was showed on Thai television Chanel 3 with attractive and colorful images. Vikrom and the delegation had some courtesy meetings with Mr Dan Duc Hiep, vice chairman of Haiphong People’s Committee and leaders of Da Nang People’s Committee. At Tuan Chau island, Vikrom and Mr Dao Hong Tuyen – the Owner of Tuan Chau island – two successful entrepreneurs, already have exchanged a really close relationship as brothers. They shared many hobbies and views to the life and to the world, because they all have developed the business from empty hands – as the title of Vikrom’s bestseller book: “From empty hand to become a millionaire”.
Vikrom Kromadit meet with Mr. Dao Hong Tuyen, Chairman of Tuan Chau Group
The Vietnam impression that emotionally ranged in the Thai millionaire and the whole delegation is the warm welcome and hospitality at all cities and provinces the delegation travel to.
Through his program namely “Through this world with Vikrom’s vision”, he wants to advertise and introduce Vietnam as the land of wonders and opportunities to the world. Hopefully, the recent Caravan trip would be the bridge promoting further friendship relation between Vietnam – Asia in generally, and Vietnam – Thailand in particularly.
SOCIALISTREPUBLIC OF VIET NAM Independence – Freedom – Happiness —————- Ha Noi, October 23, 2012
Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated 25 December 12, 2001;
Pursuant to the Press Law dated December 28, 1989 and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Press Law dated June 12, 1999;
Pursuant to Publication Law dated December 3, 2004 and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Publication Law dated June 3, 2008;
Pursuant to the Law on Cinema dated June 29, 2006 and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Cinema dated June 18, 2009;
Pursuant to the Ordinance on entry, exit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam dated April 28, 2000;
Pursuant to the Ordinance on privileges and immunities of diplomatic missions, consular agency and representative agency of international organizations in Vietnam dated August 23, 1993;
The government promulgates decree on information and press activities of the foreign press, foreign representative agencies and organizations in Vietnam,
Chapter 1.
Article 1. Scope of adjustment and subject of application
This Decree provides for the information and press activities of foreign press, foreign representative agencies and organizations in Vietnam and the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities in the state management of information and press activities of foreign press, foreign agency and organizations in Vietnam.
Article 2. Explanation of terms
In this Decree, the following terms shall be construed as follows:
1. Foreign press is a news agency, radio, TV, printing newspaper, electronic newspaper and other types of foreign press.
2. Permanent foreign press agency is a representative agency of the foreign press in Vietnam, hereinafter referred to as permanent agency.
3. Foreign reporters are reporters and editors working for foreign press.
4. Permanent foreign reporter is a foreign reporter appointed by the foreign press to work at the permanent agency under the regime of permanent reporter in Vietnam, hereinafter referred to as permanent reporter.
5. Non-permanent foreign reporter is foreign reporter coming into Vietnam for short-term information and press activities, and not entitled to enjoy the permanent reporter regime, hereinafter referred to as non-resident reporter.
6. Press assistant is Vietnamese citizen working under official contract for permanent agency in Vietnam to support permanent reporter and permanent agency in the information and press activities in Vietnam.
7. Collaborator is a Vietnamese citizen or foreigner legally residing and working in Vietnam permanent and recruited by a permanent agency to support a number of specific information and press activities of the permanent reporter and agency in a given time.
8. Foreign representative agency is a foreign diplomatic mission, consular agency, representative agency of inter-governmental international organization and other other foreign authorized agencies performing consular functions in Vietnam.
9. Foreign organization is the representative agency of non-governmental organization and other foreign organizations in Vietnam.
10. Information and press activities of foreign press in Vietnam is the activities gathering information, documents, photographs, audio and visual recordings, , photographs, film recording, contacting, interviewing, visiting localities, facilities and other activities in order to serve news and article writing, and producing supplements, special issues of periodicals and reportage on Vietnam of foreign press, except for the types of film subjects to the Law on cinema.
11. Foreign printed matters are newsletters, press releases, supplements, documents, flyers, brochures, maps, calendars, pictures, photographs, audio tapes, audio discs, video tapes and video discs and other printed matters published and circulated by foreign representative agencies and organizations in Vietnam.
12. Press conference is meeting activity organized by foreign agencies, organizations, delegations, individuals in Vietnam with the invitation of representatives of Vietnamese press agencies and citizen for participation to inform, announce and explain an issue relating to the duties and interests of those agencies, organizations, delegations and individuals.
Article 3. Principles of press and information of foreign press, foreign representative agencies and organizations in Vietnam
1. All information and press activities of the foreign press, foreign representative agencies and organizationsin Vietnam shall only be carried out after the approval of the competent authority provided for in Decree and must comply with the current regulations of Vietnamese law.
2. The violation of the provisions of this Decree shall be handled in accordance with the current provisions of Vietnamese law.
Chapter 2.
Article 4. Procedures for licensing information and press activities of non-permanent reporters
1. Foreign reporter requesting information and press activities in Vietnam must submit 01 dossier by mail, fax or e-mail to the Foreign Ministry, diplomatic missions, consular agencies or other agencies authorized to perform consular functions of Vietnam in foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as the Vietnamese representative agencies abroad) at least 10 working days before the date scheduled to come to Vietnam.
Dossier to request information and press activities in Vietnam includes:
a) Written request for information and press activities under the form issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
b) A copy of foreign reporter’s Passport.
2. Within 10 working days from receipt of the written request, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Vietnamese representative agencies abroad shall consider for approval or disapproval in writing to foreign reporters. In case of approval, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall issue press activity Permit to foreign reporters.
3. After coming into Vietnam, foreign reporters shall go to reporter guidance agency (Foreign Press Center under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) or an agency approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to receive press activity Permit and be guided press activities.
Article 5. Information and press activities of non-permanent reporters
1. When performing information and press activities in Vietnam, non-resident reporters must carry press activity Permit issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and passports; must operate in accordance with the purposes and programs that are specified in the Permit and under the guidance of the reporter guidance agency.
2. The activity program of non-resident reporters can be adjusted and supplemented after getting the permission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
1. For foreign reporters accompanying foreign delegations to visit Vietnam at the invitation of the leaders of the Party and the State or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to report on the visit, the Vietnamese agency in charge shall make necessary entry and exit procedures and notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for coordination. Foreign reporters are allowed to report activities under the official program of the foreign delegations.
In case the foreign reporters request information and press activities outside the formal program of the foreign delegations, the reporters must send a written request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and must comply with the regulations as for non-resident reporter specified in Article 4 and Article 5 of this Decree.
2. For foreign reporters accompanying foreign delegations at the invitation of Vietnamese agencies to report on the visit, the Vietnamese agency in charge need to make procedures with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as for non-permanent reporters and performing tasks under the guidance of the Foreign Press Center (Ministry of foreign Affairs) or an agency approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Article 7. Procedures for establishing permanent offices
1. Foreign press agencies wishing to set up permanent offices in Vietnam shall send 01 dossier to request the establishment of permanent office directly or by post to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Vietnamese representative agency abroad.
Dossier to request the establishment of permanent office includes:
a) Written request of the head of the foreign press agency or of the person authorized by the head of the foreign press agency under the form issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
b) A copy of the Certificate of legal status of the foreign press agency that has been legalized, except for the cases of exemption from legalization under provisions of international agreements in which Vietnam and the country concerned are member or in the principle of reciprocity.
c) Basic information on foreign press
2. Within 60 days after receiving complete and valid dossiers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall issue Permit of permanent office establishment in Vietnam for foreign press agency if approved.
Article 8. Procedures for appointment of permanent reporters
1. Foreign press agencies having request for appointment of permanent reporter shall send 01 dossier directly or by post to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Vietnamese representative agency abroad.
Dossier to request appointment of permanent reporter includes:
a) A written request for appointment of permanent reporter of the head of the foreign press agency or of the person authorized by the head of the foreign press agency under the form issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
b) Personal information of the person appointed as permanent reporter.
c) A copy of passport of the person appointed as permanent reporter.
d) If the person appointed as permanent reporter is spouse of member of foreign representative agency and enjoys the privileges and diplomatic immunities, the consular and foreign representative agency must have a written commitment to give up the privileges and immunities from the time he/she is accepted as permanent reporter.
2. Within 15 working days after receiving complete and valid dossiers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Vietnamese representative offices abroad must have written notice of the approval or disapproval of foreign reporter appointed as permanent reporter by foreign press.
3. In case of visa required, foreign reporter shall come to the Vietnamese representative agencies abroad to complete the procedures for entry visa after being approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as permanent reporter in Viet Nam.
Article 9. Operation of permament office
1. Within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the written approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the permanent reporter of the permanent Office must come to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to hand over the appointment letter of the foreign press agency and receive Permit of permanent office establishment in Vietnam issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2. Head of permanent Office is the legal representative of the Office.
3. Permanent office are allowed to be located in Hanoi or in another centrally-affiliated city or province after getting consent in writing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated province and city where the permanent Office is expected to be located.
Permanent Office is allowed to appoint permanent reporter at different locality from the place where Headquarters of permanent office after getting the consent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the people’s committees of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces where the permanent office proposes the appointment of permanent reporter. The permanent Office is responsible for the activities of the permanent reporter at the localities.
When having need to appoint permanent reporter at another locality of Vietnam, the foreign press agency shall send a dossier directly or by post to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The component of dossier is similar to dossier to request appointment of permanent reporter to work at permanent office as specified in Clause 1, Article 8 of this Decree.
After receiving dossier to request appointment of permanent reporter, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall propose the opinion from the People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces where the permanent office shall appoint permanent reporter. Within 15 working days from the time of receiving written request, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall respond in writing to foreign press agency.
4. The permanent office shall inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the location of headquarters of permanent office 30 days prior to official operation at that headquarter. When changing location of headquarters of permanent office, it shall inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 30 working days in advance.
5. In case the permanent office requires a seal and applies for issuance of certificate of temporary residence and traveling and other requirements to serve the information and press activities in Vietnam, it shall send a written request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for introduction to the Vietnamese competent authorities of Vietnam to carry out necessary procedures under the current law of Vietnam.
6. Permit of permanent office establishment shall automatically become invalid in case the permanent office has no active permanent reporter in Vietnam in the period of 180 consecutive days.
7. Permanent office shall inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the closure of permanent office at least 30 working days before the closing date and return the Permit of permanent office establishment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at least 03working days before the closing date of permanent office.
8. When there is requirement on replacement and supplementation of permanent reporter, the permanent office must complete necessary procedures specified in Article 8 of this Decree.
9. When having a need to appoint reporter to assist the permanent office, its Head must have a written request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as provided in Article 4 and Article 5 of this Decree for non-permanent reporters. The supporting reporter shall not enjoy the regulations on permanent reporter.
10. Father, mother, wife / husband, children and other relatives of the permanent reporter shall not enjoy the regulations on permanent reporter and must comply with Vietnam’s current legal provisions.
Article 10. Visa for permanent reporter
The issuance, refuse to issue or cancel visa for permanent reporter shall comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law on entry and exit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam. The permanent reporter shall be issued new visa in case the Ministry of Foreign Affairs allows the enjoyment of regulations on permanent reporter in Vietnam.
Article 11. Part-time permanent reporter
1. Permanent reporters are allowed to be as part time permanent reporter for permanent office of antoher foreign press agency in Vietnam. The foreign press shall be allowed to appoint its permanent reporter in another country to be as part time permanent reporter in Vietnam
2. The provisions for part-time permanent reporter shall be applied as prescribed for permanent reporter. In case the permanent reporter is proposed to be as part-time permanent reporter for permanent office of another foreign press agency, there must be approval letter from the press agency press of the permanent reporter.
Article 12. Foreign reporter card
1. Permanent reporter shall be issued the foreign reporter card by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with its value not exceeding 12 months to be in line with the duration of entry and exit of reporter. The permanent reporter having request for the issuance of foreign reporter card shall send 01 dossier directly or by post to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Dossier to request the issuance of foreign reporter card includes:
a) A written request for issuance of foreign reporter card of permanent reporter is under the form issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
b) A copy of permanent reporter’s Passport.
c) Two 03 cm x 04 cm photos of the permanent reporter.
2. The permanent reporter requesting the re-issuance of damaged or lost foreign reporter card shall submit 01 dossier diectly or by post to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Dossier to request the re-issuance of foreign reporter card includes:
a) A written request for re-issuace of foreign reporter card of permanent reporter is under the form issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
b) A copy of permanent reporter’s Passport.
c) Two 03 cm x 04 cm photos of the permanent reporter.
d) Foreign reporter card (in case of damaged card)
e) Petition for presentation of loss of foreign reporter card with certification of the public security (in case of lost card)
3. Within 15 working days before the foreign reporter card expires, the permanent reporter must carry out procedures for extension of card if permitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue as being permanent reporter. The permanent reporter requesting extension of foreign reporter card shall send 01 dossier for card extension directly or by post to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Dossier to request extension of foreign reporter Card includes:
a) A written notice to continue appointing permanent reporter in Vietnam of the competent person of the foreign press agency under the form issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
b) A foreign reporter card of permanent reporter.
c) A copy of permanent reporter’s Passport.
4. Within 03 working days after receiving the dossier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall complete the issuance, re-issuance or extension of foreign reporter card.
In case of issuance, re-issuance or extension of foreign reporter card, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall notify in writing to foreign reporter.
5. When performing information and press activities in Vietnam, the permanent reporter must bring his/her foreign reporter card, passport and present them to the Vietnamese competence agencies upon request.
6. When the permanent reporter terminates his/her activities in Vietnam, the permanent office shall notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in writing at least 15 working days before reporter’s termination of activities and return the card to foreign reporter card to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the reporter leaves Vietnam.
Article 13. Information and press activities of permanent reporter
1. For requests to interview Vietnamese high-ranking leaders of, the permanent office submit 01 dossier directly or by post or fax to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2. For requirements on contact and interview leaders of Vietnamese ministries and sectors, the permanent office shall submit 01 dossier directly or by post or fax to the ministries and sectors concerned, at the same time inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Within 05 working days after receiving the dossier, the ministries and sectors shall reply to the permanent Office in writing.
3. For information and press activities at Vietnamese localities, the permanent office shall send 01 dossier directly or by post or fax to the People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities simultaneously notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Within 05 working days after receiving the dossier, the People’s Committee of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities shall reply to the permanent office in writing. The permanent reporter only performs information and press activities at locality upon approval in writing of the People’s Committee of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities.
4. Dossier to request information and press activities:
a) A written request for information and press activities under the form issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
b) A copy of permanent reporter’s foreign reporter card
Article 14. Press assistant of permanent office
1. Permanent offices may hire press assistant to support the activities of the permanent office and reporter. The permanent office requesting to hire a press assistant shall submit 01 dossier directly or by post to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Within 15 working days after receiving the dossier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall respond in writing to the permanent office.
Dossier to request licensing as press assistant includes:
a) A written request for licensing as a press assistant of the Head of permanent office under the form issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
b) Personal information certified by the local authorities for the person proposed to be licensed as a press assistant.
c) Two 03 cm x 04 cm photos of the person proposed to be licensed as a press assistant.
2. Press assistant shall be allowed to perform the work to support information and press activities of permanent reporter and permanent office in Vietnam such as photography, film recording, interpretation and administrative work supporting activities of the permanent office. The press assistant shall not enjoy regulations on permanent reporter and conduct information and press activities in lieu of permanent reporter.
3.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall provide press assistant for permanent offices. The recruitment, use, and management of press assistant must comply with the current provisions of Vietnamese law.
Article 15. Collaborator of permanent office
1. When wishing to hire collaborators, the permanent office shall submit 01 requesting dossier directly or by post to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Within 15 working days after receiving the dossier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall respond in writing to the permanent office.
Dossier to request licensing to collaborator includes:
a) A written request for licensing as collaborator for the permanent office of the Head of permanent under the form issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
b) Personal information of the person appointed as collaborator..
c) One 03 cm x 04 cm photo of the person appointed as collaborator.
2. Permanent office is only allowed to lease and use collaborators after the written approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Collaborators of the permanent office are only allowed to perform the support of information and press activities of permanent reporter and permanent offices such as film recording, photography, interpretation in a number of specific activities and in a certain time and not perform work in lieu of permanent reporter.
3. In case the collaborators are spouses of members of foreign diplomatic missions and enjoy the privileges and diplomatic immunities, consular and foreign representative agencies must have formal written commitment to give up privileges and diplomatic immunities.
Article 16. Import-export of facilities and equipment of foreign press
1. Foreign press shall be entitled to temporary import for re-export with tax-free term for the facilities needed to serve the information and press activities in Vietnam such as cameras, camcorders, recorders and other equipment in accordance with the current provisions of Vietnamese law.
2. Foreign press shall be allowed to import – export, install and use means of transceiver of news and image live via satellite, internationally broadcast via the national telecommunications network under the current provisions of Vietnamese law.
Chapter 3.
Article 17.Publishing and circulation of foreign information publications
1. The publishing and circulation of foreign information publications shall comply with the provisions of the Press Law and Publication Law and the provisions of the relevant current provisions of Vietnamese laws.
2. When there is request for publishing and circulation of information publications in Vietnam, the foreign representative agencies and organization must send a written request to the Ministry of Information and Communications. For foreign representative agencies, the written request shall be sent to both the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
3. Procedures allowing publishing and circulation of foreign information publications shall comply with the provisions of the Ministry of Information and Communications. The activities specified in this Article and other changes different from the original proposals shall only be carried out only after obtaining the written approval of the Ministry of Information and Communications.
Article 18. Press conference
1. When wishing to hold a press conference in Hanoi, the foreign representative agencies and organizations must send a written request to the Ministry of Information and Communications at least 02 working days before the press conference. For foreign representative agencies, the written request shall be sent to bothe the to the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2. When wishing to hold a press conference at other localities of Vietnam, the foreign representative agencies and organizations must send a written request to People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities at least 02 working days prior to the press conference.
3. Press conference of foreign delegations visiting Vietnam at the invitation of the leaders of the Party and the State or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall comply with the official program of the delegation. The agency in charge of meeting delegation shall notify the Ministry of Information and Communication at least 01 working day before the press conference for coordination.
4. For the press conference of foreign delegations visiting Vietnam at the invitation of the ministries, sectors, localities and other state agencies of Vietnam, the agency in charge of meeting delegation shall notify the Ministry of Information and Communication or People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities at least 02 working days before the press conference
5. Procedures to hold a press conference shall comply the regulations of the Ministry of Information and Communications.
6. The Ministry of Information and Communications, People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities have the right to refuse or cancel the press conference if there are signs of violation of the Vietnamese law.
7. For the case of urgent press conference, after the proposal of the foreign representative agencies and organizations, the Vietnamese competent authorities shall consider each particular case.
Article 19. Posting news, articles and statements on the Vietnamese mass media.
1. When wishing to post news, articles and statements on the mass media of the central government, foreign representative agencies and organizations must send a written request together with content of the news, articles and statements to the Ministry of Information and Communications. In the written request should specify: Purpose, content, name of the speaker / writer, the press agency expected to post or broadcast. For foreign representative agencies, a written request together with content of the news, articles and statement should be sent to the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to for notification.
2. When wishing to post news, articles and statements on the mass media of localities, the foreign representative agencies and organizations must send a written request together with the content of the news, articles and statements to the People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities. In the written request should specify: Purpose, content, name of the speaker / writer, the press agency expected to post or broadcast.
3. The procedures for permission to post news, articles and statements on the mass media shall comply with provisions of the Ministry of Information and Communications
Article 20. Displaying pictures, photos and other forms of information outside of foreign representative agencies and organizations
1. When wishing to display pictures, photos and other forms of information outside the headquarters, foreign representative agencies and organizations with their headquarters in Hanoi must send a written request to the Ministry of Information and Communication. For foreign representative agencies, a written request shall be sent to the the Ministry of Information and Communication and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for notification.
In case of foreign representative agencies and organizations with their headquarters at other localities of Vietnam, when having demand for the activities above mentioned, they must send a written request to: thel People’s Committee of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities.
2. The procedures for permission to post pictures, photos and other forms of information shall comply with provisions of the Ministry of Information and Communications
3. Activities specified in this Article and other changes different from the initial proposal shall only be carried out after obtaining the written approval of the Ministry of Information and Communications or the People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities.
Article 21. Hanging panels, posters and monitors outside the headquarters of foreign representative agencies and organizations; film projection, exhibitions and other promotional activities with invitation to Vietnamese citizens for attendance.
1. When wishing to hang panels, posters and monitors outside the headquarters of foreign representative agencies and organizations in Hanoi and when wishing to perform film projection, exhibition and other promotional activities with the invitation of Vietnamese citizens for attendance in Hanoi, the foreign representative agencies and organizations must send a written request to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. For foreign representative agencies, the written request shal be to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for notification.
When there is demand for the above-mentioned activities in other Vietnamese localities, the foreign representative agencies and foreign organizations must send a written request to People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities.
2. Procedures for permission to hang panels, posters, monitors, film projection, exhibitions and other promotional activities shall comply with the provisions of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
3. Activities specified in this Article and other changes different from the initial proposal shall only be carried out after obtaining the written approval of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism or the People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities.
Chapter 4.
Article 22. Responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1. Managing and licensing the foreign information and press activities including:
a) Licensing foreign reporters who come to perform information and press activities in Vietnam;
b) Licensing the foreign press to open permanent office in Vietnam and use foreign reporters, press assistantsand collaborators;
c) Managing information and press activities of foreign reporters and permament offices in Vietnam.
d) Coordinating with the ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies directly under the Government and People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities to settle the professional and technical requirements; import and export of professional and technical requirements; entry, exit, residence and travelling requirements; press assistant provision to the permanent offices and other requirements to serve information and press activities of foreign press in Vietnam.
2. Coordinating with the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to resolve the requirements on information and press activities of foreign representative agencies and organizations in Vietnam.
3. Guiding the implementation of the provisions on information and press activities of the foreign press under the competence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
4. Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating with the ministries, ministerial-level agencies, the agencies directly under the Government and People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities to regularly and annually review and make report on the implementation of the provisions on information and press activities of foreign press under the competence of the Ministry of foreign Affairs.
Article 23. Responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communications
1. Managing and licensing information and press activities of the foreign representative agencies and organizations including:
a) Publishing and circulating foreign information publications;
b) Press conference in Vietnam;
c) Posting news, articles and statements on Vietnamese mass media
d) Displaying pictures and other forms of information outside the headquarters of foreign representative agencies and organizations in Hanoi.
2. Guiding the implementation of the provisions on information and press activities of foreign representative agencies and organizations under the competence of the Ministry of Information and Communications.
3. Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating with the ministries, ministerial-level agencies, the agencies directly under the Government and People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities to regularly and annually review and make report on the implementation of the provisions on information and press activities of foreign press under the competence of the Ministry of information and Communications.
Article 24. Responsibility of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
1. Managing and licensing the hanging of panels, posters and monitors outside the foreign representative agencies and organizations in Hanoi; film projection, exhibitions and other promotional activities in Hanoi with invitation to Vietnamese citizens for attendance of the foreign representative agencies and organizations.
2. Guiding the implementation of the provisions on information and press activities, of foreign representative agencies and organizations under the competence of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
3. Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating with the ministries, ministerial-level agencies, the agencies directly under the Government and People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities to regularly and annually review and make report on the implementation of the provisions on information and press activities of foreign press under the competence of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
Article 25. Responsibilities of People’s Committees of centrally-affiliatedprovinces and cities directly under the Central Government
People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities shall be responsible for receiving, reviewing and solving information and press activities of foreign reporter, foreign representative agences organizations at localities; coordinating with the Ministry of foreign Affairs, Ministry of information and Communications, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in managing and handling violations of information and press activities at localities of foreign press, foreign representative agencies and organizations.
Article 26. Responsibilities of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies directly under the Government
The ministries, ministerial-level agencies, the agencies directly underthe Government shall coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in managing and handling violations of information and press activities of foreign press, foreign representative agencies and organizations.
Chapter 5.
Article 27. Effect
1. This Decree takes effect from December 20, 2012.
2. This Decree supersedes the Decree No. 67/CP dated October 31, 1996 of the Government issuing the “Regulation on information and press activities of foreign reporters, foreign agencies and organizations in Vietnam.”
3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of the agencies directly under the Government, Chairmen of the People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities are liable to execute this Decree. /.
I am very happy with all the material I got for my story. Mr Quang was incredibly helpful and knowledgable and I feel very lucky to have had his assistance. I would highly recommend him to any of my journalist colleagues if they are ever planning visits to Vietnam.
Dear Sirs and Madams,
I wanted to let you know that I finished my last interview in An Giang on Friday before heading back to HCMC on Friday night. I am scheduled to fly out tonight. The only scheduled event that we were not able to visit was the tour of the feed mill in An Giang. Evidently the people we needed to talk to were not available.
Otherwise I am very happy with all the material I got for my story. Mr Quang was incredibly helpful and knowledgable and I feel very lucky to have had his assistance. I would highly recommend him to any of my journalist colleagues if they are ever planning visits to Vietnam.
Thanks again to both of you for all of your help in getting my press visa approved in a timely manner. I look forward to sharing the final report with you in late July.
My thanks for all your help and of course to Giap too. It was a good trip, successful recordings and overall for me and Kevin personally, a very memorable experience.
I’ll inform you when the programmes are ready to go out and send out a link from which you should be able either to download or listen as you please.
I just want to say a big thank you to everyone for all the help I was given before and during my recent visit to Vietnam, on behalf of CCTV News.
In particular, I would like to thank Mr Quang for his excellent support, organisational and translating skills. He was always punctual, friendly, hard-working and went ‘beyond the call of duty’ to ensure we were able to obtain all the material we needed.
The result is that we will be able to accurately and faithfully illustrate affairs in Vietnam to our audience. Mr Quang also helped my cameraman and I with our personal travel plans back to Bangkok, for which we are very grateful.
We successfully completed all five topics we had hoped to cover. I will be sending links to Mr Quang when all of the pieces have been aired.
It was my first visit to Vietnam and I found it truly fascinating and enlightening. I hope to return soon.
Thanks for the great help of your Ministry and the FPC provided us.
Dear Tony(Tuấn Dũng), We arrived yesterday in Seoul, and I think I have slept almost 15 hours straight.
I would like to thank you again (you, Eric (Đan Tuấn) and your team) for the great help of your Ministry and the FPC provided us. It was crucial in the smooth process of this very important event. I hope that we will have the chance to work together again in the future.
Warmest regards,
Yoseph Moon Media Relations Officer Foreign Press Center Korea Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
In the name of Asian in Asia Journey Co., Ltd and I am Banphot Uthaiwan (president). On filming trip of Thai television TV3 broadcast, we would like to express our thanks to all of the kindly co-operator
September 30, 2013
Dear our great co-operator,
In the name of Asian in Asia Journey Co., Ltd and I am Banphot Uthaiwan (president). On filming trip of Thai television TV3 broadcast, we would like to express our thanks to all of the kindly co-operator.
It is our pleasure working with you. Thanks for made the trip went memorable. The trip was great and all of our co-operator was so generous for us. Our client was so delight. We have another great experiences working in Vietnam and you make this trip full of happiness and our client was so happy. Thank you for made Vietnam be one of their good memories. And again we are all truly appreciated having more good friends like you. We will be pleased if we could work together again.
More importantly, we have to tell that Vietnam is the most charming country that we will express our feeling to all of the Thai’s people. I trust Vietnam’s sensation of charming will be one of the memories for all of the filming teams and for Thai’s people as well. We hope you will have good health and all of luck will be yours.
Thank you for your great, kind, memorial cooperation.
With our best regard
Asian in Asia Journey Co., Ltd Mr. Banphot Uthaiwan (President of Asian in Asia Journey Co., Ltd)
On behalf of Roots of Peace, I am most grateful to you for facilitating a highly productive visit to Vietnam—turning MINES TO VINES—replacing the minefields with bountiful fresh pepper vines! See and click DONATE to view the recent short film produced, as we continue to raise both funds and awareness to benefit the poor/rural farmers in Quang Tri Province, former DMZ. The Vietnamese government was most helpful in both Hanoi and all the various provinces which we personally visited—thank you!
I look forward to closely working with you in the upcoming months, as we prepare for the 40th Anniversary of the end of the war (April 2015) and the 20th year of Normalization between US/Vietnam (July 2015). Our humanitarian effort clearly demonstrates the ‘true friendship’ between our two countries, as we seek to remove the legacy of war…so that farmers and families may thrive!
Finally, I remain most grateful to VTV for producing a 45 minute segment featuring our Roots of Peace efforts. Per your producers, it is scheduled to air later this month to an audience of over 90 million viewers—bringing ‘light’ to our genuine efforts to plant the roots of peace.
He also secured the permits necessary for us to travel to regional provinces, and helped us get access to farmers in the Mekong Delta. This involved some very long days and lots of travel but he never complained. Tuan was also very helpful with translating and voice overs.
Many thanks for your support and co-operation and thanks Tuan for all your hard work. I’d like to take this opportunity to provide some feedback on Nguyen Tuan Dung. He was extremely helpful and friendly for the entire week he spent with us.
He arranged some fantastic interviews for us at the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange and with a Vietnamese academic about the economy. These interviews were very strong and we are able to lead one of our programmes with them.
He also secured the permits necessary for us to travel to regional provinces, and helped us get access to farmers in the Mekong Delta. This involved some very long days and lots of travel but he never complained. Tuan was also very helpful with translating and voice overs.
We enjoyed working with him very much and would recommend him to future news teams visiting Vietnam. He also organised a wonderful driver for us, Mr. Nghia.