From: Mr. Banphot Uthaiwan (President of Asian in Asia Journey Co., Ltd)

In the name of Asian in Asia Journey Co., Ltd and I am Banphot Uthaiwan (president). On filming trip of Thai television TV3 broadcast, we would like to express our thanks to all of the kindly co-operator

September 30, 2013

Dear our great co-operator,

In the name of Asian in Asia Journey Co., Ltd and I am Banphot Uthaiwan (president). On filming trip of Thai television TV3 broadcast, we would like to express our thanks to all of the kindly co-operator.

It is our pleasure working with you. Thanks for made the trip went memorable. The trip was great and all of our co-operator was so generous for us. Our client was so delight. We have another great experiences working in Vietnam and you make this trip full of happiness and our client was so happy. Thank you for made Vietnam be one of their good memories. And again we are all truly appreciated having more good friends like you. We will be pleased if we could work together again.

More importantly, we have to tell that Vietnam is the most charming country that we will express our feeling to all of the Thai’s people. I trust Vietnam’s sensation of charming will be one of the memories for all of the filming teams and for Thai’s people as well. We hope you will have good health and all of luck will be yours.

Thank you for your great, kind, memorial cooperation.

With our best regard

Asian in Asia Journey Co., Ltd Mr. Banphot Uthaiwan (President of Asian in Asia Journey Co., Ltd)